My Theory

"Forget what you heard, recognize what you see. I know you heard the here's the real me." XoXo

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Calling all Sex in the City Fans!!!!

Not sure how I missed the memo but apparently filming for SATC 2(Sex and the City) started early this week. NYC's four favorite gals are reuniting one more time with promise of Louboutins, couture, comedy, sex and oh yes Mr. Big. The sequel will be filmed in New York and London and is scheduled to be released on May 28, 2010. Despite talk of cat fights and possible feuding all four girls will return for the sequel. Celebrity guest appearances are rumored to include Victoria Beckham, Katie Holmes, Miley Cyrus and a possible reprising role for Jennifer Hudson as "Louise".

Filming for the show has caused onlookers to go crazy and the set has beefed up the security just to manage the crowd. With talks that Mr. Big will battle with infidelity and fans might be forced to watch our Carrie go through yet another heartbreak, SATC 2 is bound to be a hit at the box office.

So ladies, if your four bffs include Carrie, Samantha, Charlotte and Miranda I'll see you at the box office on May 28, 2010. Stay tuned for more details to come!!!!!

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