My Theory

"Forget what you heard, recognize what you see. I know you heard the here's the real me." XoXo

Monday, April 13, 2009

12 Days to D-Day

So here we are just 12 days away. I am so nervous I can't believe it. I have been sticking to my training routine by running 3 miles 4 times a week has not been easy. I make it only because I know the race is quickly approaching. The last .25 miles is the most trying. It is during that time that my brain sends an urgent message to my body telling my legs and heart they they are both tripping. Yet I prevail, and when I finally reach 2.90 I become unstoppable. The song blasting on my ipod automatically becomes my new hype song no matter who the artist is. My fists gets to pumping and the look of determination fills my eyes. If your working out next to me you can't help but to look over at me because once the odometer reaches 3.00 I shriek with joy.....and then immediately collapse over the rail in an attempt to hold on and get my last breath back. I walk calmly for about .10 miles and when I am finally done, although I am saturated in sweat and have lost every curl in my hair, I step off that treadmill and you can't tell me NOTHING!!!! Now if I can only do that the day of the race. Wish me luck!!!!

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