My Theory

"Forget what you heard, recognize what you see. I know you heard the here's the real me." XoXo

Saturday, February 28, 2009

What We Wish They Knew

Wouldn’t the world be a better place if men knew…….

The don’t have to impress us, if we like them all they have to do is be themselves, treat us right and that will make us glow like a morning star.

Wouldn’t the world be a better place if men knew…….

All women really want is love, attention and a feeling of security.

Wouldn’t the world be a better place if men knew…….

Women really don't want to play games but sometimes games are the only known defense mechanism that will get the male species to act right.

Wouldn’t the world be a better place if men knew…….

No woman wants to be a booty call or a jump off ever!

Wouldn’t the world be a better place if men knew…….

Women never want to pressure a man to move to the next step but men often get comfortable and begin to drag their feet which makes women begin to inadvertently pressure them.

It is unfortunate how convoluted the lines of communication are between men and woman. Ladies, lets roll up our sleeves and at least try to help men understand us. If you have a significant other let your man know in the most simplest way, 1 thing that he does which really makes you happy. Then, tell him one thing you wish he knew.

Remember…..if we never tell them we cannot blame them.


  1. Wouldn't the world be a better place if women weren't so needy, and they didn't need men to know what we already know but act like we don't. We know you need attention and security, we know that you NEED, but we hope that ya'll will give Ineeda the day off sometimes. As for the booty call... if and only if you have never come over under the pale moonlight and left before the rising sun, if you have then how the hell would we know.


  2. I'm sorry girl, but I have to check Mr. Openyuns Rlike. First off I have to question what he could possibly even know about women when he can't even write his thoughts clearly. I wonder, who is dating that guy??? Secondly, women are not needy at all, we would just like for men to be as attentive to us as we are to them.

  3. First, can I meet the man in the picture?

    Second, I beleive women have rolled up their sleeves plenty of times. I just don't understrand the disconnect. I now refer men to the Beyonce video "If I were a boy!" (not just the song...they have to watch the video).

    I absolutely agree with you that each individual needs to speak from their mouth something "NICE" and also mention what they wish. In due season mates will get it together.

  4. If we all are selfless it will all fall in place .If everyone is selfish it will concluded in disaster. whether you are married dating or just in general friendships.Give it to god and he will make the way.I am a true testamony of that....Shaun


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