My Theory

"Forget what you heard, recognize what you see. I know you heard the here's the real me." XoXo

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Quiet Time

When I was a little girl every Saturday night I would watch my Mom polish her nails in preparation for church the next day. When I was of appropriate age my mom allowed me to join her Saturday night ritual, and I to neatly polished and then blew my little figernails dry.

Fast forward a few years later and I still find myself partaking in that very same ritual. My preferred nights have moved to Sunday night in preparation for the week ahead of me. Every Sunday night no matter how late it is or how tired I am, I always find myself sitting on the couch polishing my nails. It could be as simple as putting clear polish on, but it is honestly one of the most mind clearing peaceful moments of my day. When your nails are wet there is nothing you can do but sit still and let them dry. Ironically in the 15 minutes I am drying my nails I am finding solace as well.

It is amazing how some of the silliest things can give us peace. If I had to compose a list of things I do that mentally relax me i would have to say, my nails, organizing my closet and cooking.I cannot wait to pass this same ritual down to my little girl. What are some of the rituals you did with your mom and what are some simple tasks which bring you peace?


  1. Polishing my nails gives me a great way to relax. I have to really focus or otherwise I make a mess. I would have to say another thing is getting my hair done, it is so relaxing to me. ;)

  2. I'm so impatient so I hate the process of polishing my nails then waiting for them to dry - although of course I love the outcome.

    I enjoy my quiet time, once the boys are in bed for the night and Derek is still at work, and Im just web surfing by myself. House is clean and dinner is cooked, and its just my time to enjoy, read blogs, watch a little Tivo'ed Wendy, and blog. Its the most relaxing part of my day.

  3. I like to read to relax...although I don't get to do it often. If its day time, I like to clean and organize. I find that cleaning and organizing helps to clear my mind as well as my house! How wonderful it is to see things clearly once your "stuff" has been put in order. I also like to sit outside and just be His presence. What an awesome feeling.


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