My Theory

"Forget what you heard, recognize what you see. I know you heard the here's the real me." XoXo

Friday, December 31, 2010

I can't say I am sad to see you go because I am glad to see you leave. I welcome the new memories and the new blessings that are to come and I kiss goodbye the tears and moments of sadness life brought me throughout 2010. Its lifes hardest lessons that make you stronger. Its the tears that come from deep within that teach you to stop making the same mistakes. Its those moments of self reflection that you have when you can't sleep at night that gives you instruction on what you need to do and why you can't be afraid to step out and just do it.

There are those moments in life right before change comes when you have the choice to stick with what you know or take a leap of faith. Those moments in which you are scared and afraid of the decision at hand. For me, 2011 is all about what is behind the mystery door. I am leaving my fears behind and I am ready to step away from what I know to venture out to the unknown. Sometimes playing it safe is the right thing to do, but other times it can hold you back from your dreams and all that you aspire to be. Saying goodbye to 2010 means saying goodbye to my fears, my weaknesses, and my mistakes. Saying goodbye to 2010 means coming into my true self, embracing who I am and all I want in life, by reaching my fullest potential and becoming the person I always wanted to be....Me.

Goodbye 2010 I'm not sad to see you go, I'm actually glad to watch you leave.

What does saying goodbye to 2010 mean to you?

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